12 Days of Fitness 8: No 'One-Hit' Wonders With Weight Loss

The Holidays are drawing nearer and the "12 Days of Fitness" are ramping up. It's been great getting to know the 12 experts, hear their views, and read their tips. It's also reassuring see that they are much like the rest of us. I hope you are enjoying this series as much as I am.
Mariana Abeid-McDougall is Day 8's fitness pro. She is a certified kinesiologist and certified personal trainer with an interesting twist: she not only trains clients one-on-one and in pairs, but she also teaches Brazilian Animal Flow classes (group exercise class based on animal movements) and active games for little ones. Mariana had a baby just six months ago, and is still working on some "baby weight," which helps her relate to her weight loss clients. With 13 years in the health and fitness field, Mariana shares some simple, real world tips with you.
Permanent weight loss requires a lifestyle adjustment, not a one-time solution. The following tips will help:
- Eat whole foods, minimally processed, in six small meals/snacks per day.
- Don't skip breakfast. It will only make you hungry and apt to reach for less than ideal snacks later in the day.
- Stop the food association habit (i.e. eating in front of the TV when you're bored, etc.).
- If you don't 'have time to exercise, try active transportation (cycling, walking, roller blading, even a scooter!)
If you don't 'have time to exercise, try active transportation (cycling, walking, roller blading, even a scooter!)
- Make house rules such as squeezing your abs each time you go through a doorway, doing 5 push-ups on the sink before doing the dishes, doing 5 squats in front of your laundry machine each time you do laundry. If you have stairs, only carry one item up the stairs at a time - you'll climb more stairs and thus burn more calories.
- Practice proper lifting. Not only will it save your back, it will strengthen your glutes and thighs. Do proper deep squats for lifting anything, even light items. If you have previous knee injuries, check with your physiotherapist before practicing deep squats.
No time for long workouts? Learn about Tabata and HITT training
- No time for long workouts? Learn about Tabata and HITT training and work your way up to performing these super-short, super effective workouts.
Mariana Abeid-McDougall is a certified kinesiologist and certified personal trainer with thirteen years of experience in the health and fitness field. She has personal trained as well as taught swimming, dance, exercise classes for persons with chronic health conditions, and physical and health education classes to both children and adults.
Did the first 7 days escape you? You better not pout, you better not cry...just click:
Day 1 (Keep Exercise Fun), Day 2 (Making the Impossible Possible), Day 3 (Healthy Holidays), Day 4 (Quickie Time), Day 5 (Walk the Doggiesaur), Day 6 (Fitness Games People Play), Day 7 (Are You Really Hungry?)