12 Days of Fitness 1: Keep Exercise Fun

The 12 Days of Fitness are here. 12 days, 12 experts, 12 viewpoints, 12 ways to get healthier and lose weight.
First up? Tara Zimliki. Not only does Tara have fun getting her bootcamp participants into tip top shape, but she has competed in 19 (yes, 19) marathons. While most of us may not aspire to be marathoners, Tara’s advice still holds true.
Enjoy, and tune in tomorrow for another great “12 Days of Fitness” segment.
Tara's Tips:
Drink 8-12 glasses of water. This will help eliminate bloating,
suppress your appetite, and increase metabolic functioning. Note: Water
consumption should be increased in hot climates or during vigorous
Research shows that by drinking 8 glasses of cold water a day you will burn an additional 70 calories
Bonus tip: Drink cold water throughout the day. Research shows by drinking 8 glasses of cold water a day you will burn an additional 70 calories (because your body has to use energy to heat up water throughout the day).
By making vegetables the star of every meal you’ll find getting five servings a day is a cinch
Eat All your Greens. Mom’s advice holds up well—veggies come with plenty of benefits. By eating raw vegetables you will be more satisfied, as they’re full of fiber and water. This will also help you to eat fewer calories in the day and help you reach your weight loss goals.
Bonus Tip: Make vegetables the main focus of every meal so you will not forget to eat the broccoli left in the steamer. By making vegetables the star of every meal you’ll find getting five servings a day is a cinch!
Exercise With Quality, Not Just Quantity. Depending on your fitness level, it is more important to do more intense, higher quality workouts than a whole lot of lower intensity workouts. If you are just starting out, try to get in three 45 minute to 1-hour workouts a week. Work your way up to intermediate (4 days) and then advanced (5-6 days). Your goal is to get beyond beginner level so you can burn the most calories per hour.
Your goal is to get beyond beginner level so you can burn the most calories per hour
Fitness bootcamps give an optimal calorie burn and are usually taught by a certified personal trainer. You will see more results than doing a slower fitness program. Bootcamps usually meet 2-3 days per week. Advise the trainer of your fitness level so they can adjust the program to your needs. This also holds true when running (higher oxygen consumption and so higher calorie burn) as compared to walking (lower oxygen consumption so lower calorie burn).
Whether you are a beginner or advanced make sure all exercises are performed with proper form to prevent injury and get the maximum benefit out of each exercise.
Bonus Tip: Help a friend work to their weight loss goals by joining forces. Join a workout program together or even start a weekly walk. Make fitness goals a team effort so you will be even more motivated!
Stay Positive. Research shows that by maintaining a positive attitude you are more likely to reach and surpass all goals (and this includes weight loss)! If you are watching the scale creep down pound by pound be proud of your accomplishment, don’t dwell on where you want to be. By keeping your chin up and staying positive you will stay on the healthy road to weight loss success.
Bonus Tip: Write a positive note at the start of every day on a Post It on your computer (or somewhere you will look frequently) and be reminded all day of your goals and successes.
You have the power to reach your weight loss goals, get healthier, and have more energy
Keep Weight Loss Fun. As you head in the right direction, keep your weight loss journey fun and exciting by trying new healthy recipes, having fun in your fitness programs, and rewarding yourself with motivating non-food-related items such as a massage or a facial. Train to get out for the next 5k and motivate and inspire people around you to begin their weight loss journey too!
Remember: believe and you will achieve all of your goals. It is all within you. You have the power to reach your weight loss goals, get healthier, and have more energy. Make that change in your life today and begin your weight loss journey to a better, healthier, and happier you!

Tara Zimliki is a Certified Personal Trainer and founder of Tara’s Bootcamp, the premiere bootcamp of New Jersey. She has completed 19 marathons, hundreds of 5ks and specializes in fat loss and nutrition. In 2008, Tara placed in the top 500 women for the NYC Marathon. Tara has been featured on many television segments including Fox, WPIX, NJ 12 and written dozens of articles on health. For more information on Tara visit www.tarasbootcamp.com.