Published May 27, 2008

Russian Kettlebells: My Butt and Thighs are So Sore

by Helen M. Ryan


When a personal trainer says she is sore, that's either a good thing or a bad thing.

In this case, it's a good thing.

I am testing Russian kettlebells. From my article on building a home-based gym, "Kettlebells provide a thorough, whole-body workout that incorporates strength, endurance and flexibility. The kettlebells’ off-centered weight forces you to use more stabilizer muscles with each move, thus involving many muscles simultaneously. Your core stays active and your body’s muscles learn to work smoothly as one unit."

Uhm. Yes. And my butt and legs, more specifically hamstrings, are very sore.

The kettlebell professionals at Iron Core in San Diego, California, sent me a kettlebell to experiment with. After very casually playing around with it for two weeks I started yesterday on a six week training program to see how effective kettlebells are in shaping my body. Cardiovascularly I am very strong. However, I am discovering that even as a personal trainer and

Spinning instructor there are muscles I apparently miss when I hit the weight room or ride.

I will write a complete review for my LA's the Place fitness column (with a link from here and my plentyofwords site), with thoughts and progress notes, in about six weeks. Until then, I walk like a rodeo rider.