Published January 23, 2013
Fill 'er Up: How To Feel Less Hungry
by Helen M. Ryan
" 'cause I'm hungry like the wolf..."~Duran Duran
Sometimes when we're trying to lose weight we just feel as hungry as Duran Duran's proverbial wolf (growl). Being too hungry (or hungry all the time) can be a recipe for disaster. Those chips sure sound yummy, don't they? And how about some ice cream? Just a little?
While you are getting used to healthier eating habits, a great solution to hunger is in the video below.
Try it in almost everything. You'll be filled up and have less room for higher calorie foods. Brings fresh meaning to the phrase "bulking up," eh? (Bonus: here's a recipe using broccoli slaw: The Italian Job - a pasta-less pasta dish.)